by Andrea Cremer
Pub. Date: July 2011
Publisher: Penguin Young Readers Group
Format: Hardcover , 400pp
Age Range: Young Adult
ISBN-13: 9780399254833
Advance copy provided by the publisher for review.
5/5 Stars
Synopsis: This thrilling sequel to the much-talked-about Nightshade begins just where it ended-Calla Tor wakes up in the lair of the Searchers, her sworn enemy, and she’s certain her days are numbered. But then the Searchers make her an offer-one that gives her the chance to destroy her former masters and save the pack-and the man-she left behind. Is Ren worth the price of her freedom? And will Shay stand by her side no matter what? Now in control of her own destiny, Calla must decide which battles are worth fighting and how many trials true love can endure and still survive.
My Thoughts:
After reading this book, It took me a while to decided how it compares with my love for Nightshade. Just like any sequel in a series, we always hope it’s as good or better than the last. For me, I felt like these two books were completely different. With Nightshade, we learned about the Guardians, the Keepers and their sworn enemy– the Searchers. We got all of the world-building and background on Calla and her pack in Nightshade. But in Wolfsbane, everything is from the Searchers prospective and it really gave the story a whole different feel. What made it so different we’re we get a whole new cast of characters to entertain us. Gone are more of the characters we’re use to in Nightshade…at least for most the book. And I’m not saying that is a bad thing, it just made Wolfsbane almost feel like like it wasn’t part of a series…almost.
We meet several new characters and a few of them quickly became my favorite, at times they out-shined Calla and Shay. I can’t wait to see what they do next in book three—Bloodrose.
I think many people will be quite disappointed if they are only reading Wolfsbane to read more hotness with their favorite wolf, ‘er… man–Ren–if that’s the team you’re on. I’d have to say, in Nightshade, I was about 55 percent team Ren for his ‘hot bad-boy’ side and 45 percent team Shay for his ‘shy sweet-boy’ side. I know! I had a hard time deciding where my loyalties were. But in Wolfsbane, Shay really stepped it up a level. He really shows growth, becomes more confident and determined to play his part. I’m very interested to see how Shay will play into what’s to come.
Now if you want to read more than just hot Ren scenes (though who can possible forget that bathroom scene?) This will be the book for you. Wolfsbane concentrates on the history of the Searchers and using Calla and Shay to become their allies to save her pack. There is a lot of history brought to light here and though some may find it boring, I loved it and I felt it was necessary to make the story believable and to understand why their world is the way it is. A lot of secrets are revealed and it will only make you hungry to know how it’s all going to go down!
I don’t want to say too much on the plot, for fear I will spoil everything, so I’m sorry my review feels so vague. I think Andrea Cremer has done a fantastic job of bringing this world to our imagination and giving these new characters their own individual voice. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what will happen in the final installment—Bloodrose, due out February 2012!